Sui Hoe Khoo, also known as Ray Khoo was graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Art in Singapore in 1961. He has held more than 50 one man shows in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Australia and the United States. He also took part in numerous open shows in India, Japan, England, Ireland, Germany, and Brazil.
In 1974, Khoo was awarded a John D. Rockefeller 3rd Fund grant to study Contemporary Art in the U.S. He also traveled and toured major museums in Europe, the Middle-East and Central Asia.
Khoo migrated to the U.S. in 1982 after his shows in New York and Washington, D.C. He moved from Houston, TX to live in Arkansas and has become a resident artist in Jacksonville, AR since 1996. His recent shows include the Arkansas Studies Institute in Little Rock, AR in May 2015, a Large Paintings show at NAFA in Singapore in July 2015, Soka Gakkai Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur in August 2017, and CINQ Gallery in Dallas October 2018.